spring finder step 2

Step #2

Enter your Dimensions

Enter your Outer Diameter and Free Length
Hint: For larger search results, enter a bigger range of Min and Max Inputs

spring finder step 2

Step #2

Enter your Dimensions

Enter your Outer Diameter and Length Inside Hook
Hint: For larger search results, enter a bigger range of Min and Max Inputs

spring finder step 2

Step #2

Enter your Dimensions

Enter your Outer Diameter and Total Coils
Hint: For larger search results, enter a bigger range of Min and Max Inputs

spring finder step 2

Step #2

Enter your Dimensions

Enter you Small Outer Diameter, Large Outer Diameter and Free Length
Hint: For larger search results, enter a bigger range of Min and Max Inputs

Stock Wire Spring Types

Definition: Springs made up from wire that is radially wound in a circular shape to form adjoining coils.

The Spring Store by Acxess Spring is a spring company which specializes in manufacturing stock and custom wire springs. The types of stock wire springs we offer in our online wire spring catalog are wire compression springs, wire extension springs, wire torsion springs, and wire conical springs. Below you will be able to see these types of springs.

Click here to get Instant Spring Quote (ISQ) of your custom spring!

Wire Compression Springs

Compression springs are used to compress (shrink) when a load is applied but to return to its original position once that load has been removed. They are the most common type of wire springs and you can find several designs in our stock compression spring catalog although you may also request a custom quote in case you weren’t able to find what you need in stock. Calculate a wire compression spring design using our compression spring calculator where you will also be provided with similar wire compression springs in stock as well as a Instant Spring Quote for that specific wire compression spring design.

stock wire compression springs

Wire Torsion Springs

Torsion springs are used to exert a radial/rotational force. The wounded coils contract during deflection since the coils are technically being twisted further more. Torsion springs can be found in stock spring online stores such as The Spring Store. If your torsion spring is required to have bends on the legs, you may also request a custom quote. Calculate a wire torsion spring design using our torsion spring calculator where you will also be provided with similar wire torsion springs in stock as well as a Instant Spring Quote for that specific wire torsion spring design.

stock wire torsion springs

Wire Extension Springs

Extension springs are used to extend (become longer) when a load is applied and to shrink back to its original length once the load has been removed. You can find stock extension springs in various sizes using our extension spring finder to automatically search through our stock extension spring catalog. Calculate a wire extension spring design using our extension spring calculator where you will also be provided with similar wire tension springs in stock as well as a Instant Spring Quote for that specific wire tension spring design based on different quantity lots from 25 pieces up to 25,000 pieces.

stock wire extension springs

Wire Cone Springs

Conical springs are basically compression springs with modified coil diameters that give it a cone/tapered shape. These spring work the same way wire compression springs do except their spring rate is non-linear and they are able to perform a telescope effect when being compressed which provides stability and shortens the solid height. Find stock conical wire springs using our wire cone spring finder which will automatically search for stock cone wire springs within our conical springs catalog.

stock wire conical tapered springs